As a charitable organization, the United Way Greater Toronto, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, all levels of government, and donations provide JVS Toronto’s generous funding. We recognize and thank all our donors and funders for their continued support.
Our Funders

Our Donors
Thank you for your generous support.
Estate of Adrienne J. Folb
Estate of Morris Zucker
Freedman Family
Klass Foundation
$10,000 – $49,999
Estate of Amy Mouckley
Holdbest Foundation
Naomi Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Private Giving Foundation Directors Charity Fund
The Schulich Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation
Judith Teller Foundation
Philip & Shirley Shnier Family
Steven Huang
$1,000 – $4,999
Ariella Fuhrmann
Audrey Loeb and David Ross
Buddy and Leigh Eisenberg
David and Eileen Berger
David Lawee
Franceen Bernstein
Fred and Joyce Zemans
Janet Schoel
John and Susan Rose
Jonathan and Merick Kopman
Kim Coulter and David Safarian
Mana Nikaeen
Mark & Mira Shnier Charitable Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Nicole and Sean Diamond
RLTD Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Robert Skolnik and Judi Swartz
Sam Lightstone
Stanley and Rhonda Gordon
Stephen Price
Lianne Vineberg
TRACCS Transit and Rail Guest Speakers
XBASE Technologies Corporation
$500 – $999
Aaron Goldstein
Antonio Festa
Barry Fishman
Elena Hagi
Eric Wilson
Ivor and Renee Simmons
Moshe and Ena Greengarten
Oliver Habert
Prabhas Jha
Saul and Cindy z″l Goodman
Windmill Microlending
William and Helene Skolnik
Under $500
Adina Ander
Alan and Sharon Saipe
Allison and Jay Steinberg
Dr. Anahita Baregheh
Andrew Brooke
Andrew Levstein
Anita Nickerson
Anita Siraki
Arielle Salama
Armand Abehsera
Avery Shenfeld
Avi Berger
Avi Pollock and Nicole Shuckett and Family
Barbara Falby
Barbara Tamir
Dr. Barry and Helen Goldlist
Bayla Hernick
Beverley Gitter
Brush, Floss and Smile
Charlotte Nowack
Crowe Soberman LLP
Daniel Lerner
Dara Newton
David Crowley
David Galeas
David Goodman
David and Nancy Goldbloom
David McCulloch
David S. Wilson Professional Corporation
Deanna Peranson
Des and Anne Levin
Dianne Levstein
Earl Miller
Elaine Gutmacher
Elaine Shapira
Elissa Fingold and David Fingold
Ellen Rosenfeld and Louis Noorden
Elliott and Wendy Eisen
Engelite Charitable Foundation
Enid Brot and Karl Brot
Esther Moldofsky
Fay Sliwin
Fiona Orr
Florence Guttman
Fred Levitt
Gail Nisker
Gerald Epstein
Gerry and Sonia Rowan
Glenna and Jack Shiaman
Guillermo and Debbie Saraga
Hanita Tiefenbach
Harold and Ethel Freeman
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Charitable Fund
Helen and Howard Libenson
Howard & Sheila Einstoss
Irving Matlow
Jason Monas
Jeffrey and Lydia Goldfarb
Jennifer Yap
Joe Shamir
John Gordon
Jon Ennis and Janice Karlinsky
Joseph and Elaine Steiner
Jonathan and Diane Wilson
Jordan Wong
Judith Guttman
Judith Newman
Judith Robinson
Kameron Hilroy
Karen and Sydney Goldenberg
Karen Haar
Karmit & Gilad Epstein Family Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Ken Goldstein
Kerry Maloney
Kimberly Glenda Gibson
Kuntal Shah
Laila and Avremi Lipetz
Laura and Stephen Steinhauer
Lee and Ruth Abrahamson
Levant Tinaz
Lindsay Cole
Lois Eisen
Lorne Wolfson and Lorie Shekter-Wolfson
Ludmila Vokac
Mariam Leitman
Marilyn Herman
Mark Goldasic
Mark Goodman
Martha Sud
Martin and Estelle Kosoy
Martin Rellin
Maulik Shah
Maurice McNamara
Megan Silverhart and Joe Peltz
Dr. Melvin and Sandy Brown
Michael and Rhonda Grosman
Michel Silberfeld and Susan Fremes
Stephen and Mindy Weiss
Mindy Pollishuke
Mitchell Shnier Charitable Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Nathan Zilbert
Neena Gupta
Nelly Teitelbaum
Noah Shack
Paul Hibbitts
Paula Hurwitz
Pearl and Richard Goodman
Perry and Rita Davidson
Perry and Elaine Stupp
Peter and Bonnie Levy
Peter Shenfield
Dr. Phillip Wattam
Ralph Orr
Richard Rodney
Risa Riber
Rob and Judy Jack
Robert Gauthier
Robert and Jori Miller
Robert and Judith Habert
Robert and Judith Kanee
Ruth and Stan Swartzman
Samuel Kolber
Sergio Sayago
Sharon Baker
Sharon Dagan
Shawn Saraga
Sharon and Joel Waisglass
Sheila and Howard Isenberg
Sheila and Paul Rudolph
Silvana Saballos
Stan and Sue Goldfarb
Stephen and Rodeen Stein
Steve and Catherine Plener
Stuart Goldman
Susan and Rob Brown
Susan Lieberman
Susan Schwartz
Terry and Jeff Cummings
Terry Saltsman and Barbara Saipe
Title Textile Company
Tori Peacock
Tracy Owens
Tse Chun Huang
Victor Selby
Viren Patel
Wayne Haymer
Yoel B. Abells
Yonit Fuhrmann
With gratitude, we recognize our donors within Lifetime Giving Circles.

Founders’ Circle
Elliott Eisen
Glennie Lindenberg
Helen Goldlist
Hugh Furneaux
Jeffrey Goldfarb
Jonathan Kopman
Mark Zaretsky
Ruth Abrahamson
Patrons’ Circle
David Green, Daphne Wagner, Lita and Mikey Green
David z″l and Eunice z″l Mouckley
Freedman Family
Estate of Morris Zucker
The Friedberg Charitable Foundation/Dov Friedberg
The Schulich Foundation
$100,000 – $199,999
Al z″l and Malka z″l Green
Holdbest Foundation
Irving and Toddy Granovsky
Judith Teller Foundation
Klass Foundation
Robert and Ellen Eisenberg
Estate of Adrienne Folb
XBASE Technologies Corporation
$50,000 – $99,999
Bernard Berger z″l
Children’s Aid Foundation
Dr Barry and Helen Goldlist
Elliott and Wendy Eisen
Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey and Lydia Goldfarb and Family
Karen and Sydney Goldenberg
Martin and Joan Goldfarb
Prosper Canada
RBC Foundation
Robert and Ellen Eisenberg
Ruderman Family Foundation
Scotiabank Group
Thomas and Annie z″l Kohn
$25,000 – $49,999
Al Libfeld
Broadridge Financial Solutions (Canada) Inc.
Hugh Furneaux
Intact Foundation
Lee and Ruth Abrahamson
Mark and Lindy Zaretsky
Martin Copeland
Nathan and Glennie Lindenberg
Philip Anisman
Private Giving Foundation Directors Charity Fund
Reuben Klein
Stanley and Rhonda Gordon
Sydney and Florence Cooper
TD Bank Financial Group
The Dan-Hytman Family Foundation
The Oakville Foundation For Intellectually Handicapped People
Trans4mation Solutions Consulting Inc.
William and Helene Skolnik
$18,000 – $24,999
Amy Mouckley z″l
Audrey Loeb and David Ross
Avi Pollock and Nicole Shuckett and Family
BMO Financial Group
Brooke Foundation
Canadian Friends of Israel Elwyn
David and Eileen Berger
Fabricland Distributors Inc.
Gold and Shainfarber Family
Jack and Judy Winberg
Jewish Family & Child Foundation
Jonathan and Merick Kopman
Kim Coulter and David Safarian
Manny Mitchell z″l and Merle Friedman
Manulife Financial
Naomi Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Paul and Carrie Habert
Playtime Bowl
Stephen and Wendy Cole
Benefactors’ Circle
$10,000 – $17,999
AIM Trimark
Alan Greenberg
Ariella Fuhrmann
Bernard and Carole Zucker
BT/A Advertising
David and Anita Katz
Dr Peter Herman and Dr Janet Polivy
Florence Minz
Ganz Family Foundation
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
Harold and Ethel Freeman
IBM Canada Ltd.
IPConnectX Corp.
Ivor and Renee Simmons
J.P. Bickwell Foundation
John and Susan Rose
Joseph and Elaine Steiner
Lawrence Enkin z″l
Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
Lola Rasminsky C.M.
Lorne Wolfson and Lorie Shekter-Wolfson
Michel Silberfeld and Susan Fremes
Morland Brown
Phil & Shirley Shnier Family
Rose Corporation
Sam z″l and Barbara Stupp
Scotiabank Group
Shell Canada Limited
Simon and Gaby Fisch
Stanley and Gail Rapkin
Steven Huang
Sun Life Financial
The Lawrence and Judith Tanenbaum Family Foundation
The Les and Minda Feldman Charitable Foundation
The Linda Frum & Howard Sokolowski Charitable Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Vivah Jewellery
Walmart Canada Corp.
Wise Family Foundation
$5,400 – $9,999
Ab z″l and Phyllis Flatt
Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation
Brian Rowe and Katharyn Webb
Buddy and Leigh Eisenberg
Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre
Charles Pachter
DCS Telecom Ltd.
Des and Anne Levin
Dr. Daniel and Beatrice Traub-Werner
Dr Morris (Mickey) and Maureen Milner
Edward z″l and Suzy Greenspan
Eiten Rachlis
Gerald z″l and Elaine Yaffe
Gerry and Gay Lokash
Gil and Gail Faclier
Hazcon Group Ltd.
Home Depot of Canada Inc.
Imperial Coffee and Services Inc.
Janet Schoel
Jeffrey Gustin and Susan Smith
Jerry and Carolin Michaels
John and Myrna Daniels Charitable Foundation
Johnson – Rose Inc.
Joseph z″l and Betty z″l Skolnik
Leslie Smyth
Lonsdale Gallery
Mark & Mira Shnier Charitable Fund at the Jewish
Martin and Marlene Rochwerg
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited
Morton and Rosemary Goldhar
Nicole and Sean Diamond
Paul Deegan and Rebecca Goldfarb
Perry and Elaine Stupp
Peter Shenfield
ProgressLuv2Pak International Ltd.
Ralph & Roslyn Halbert Foundation
Richard Borchiver and Elaine Naiberg
Richard Venn and Carol Mitchell
Rick Ekstein
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust
Robert and Judith Habert
Robert Skolnik and Judi Swartz
Rogers Communications Inc.
Ron z″l Kramer and Selma Edelstone
Russell Investments Canada Ltd.
Sandy Keshen
Saul and Cindy z″l Goodman
Sharon Herman
State Building Group
Stuart Ducoffe
The Ouellette Family Foundation
The Rotman Family Foundation
The Windward Foundation
Thesign Construction Management Inc.
Tiffany & Co. Canada
Tina Tehranchian
Torys LLP
Truster Zweig LLP
Wayne Squibb
Winberg Foundation
Yuri Dojc
Friends’ Circle
$3,600 – $5,399
AGF Managemnt Ltd.
Albert Gelman Inc.
Allison and Jay Steinberg
Avi Berger
Carole Herman Zucker Family Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
CI Investments Inc.
Crowe Soberman LLP
David z″l and Patty Rubin
Deanna Peranson
Dr. Melvin and Sandy Brown
Dr Reena Kronitz
Dubwear Clothing Co.
Elderwood Foundation
Empire Life
Four Seasons Hotels Limited
Franceen Bernstein
Fred and Joyce Zemans
Gary and Tamara Fine
George Brown College
George Fine and Lois Friedman
Harriet Bain
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.
Joanne Smith Cutler
KIK Corporation
Kroll Computer Systems Inc
Lynda Brest
Martin Bloomberg
Mary Tripi
Melvyn and Marcia Eisen
Michael Shulman
Miller Thomson LLP
Minto Foundation Inc.
Moshe and Ena Greengarten
Neena Gupta
Paul Orlander and Helayna Shekter
Peter and Bonnie Levy
Prabhas Jha
Real Property Management
Reconnect Mental Health Services
Rhonda Richer
Richter LLP
RONA Foundation
Ruby Wong
Sharon Cohen
Stan and Ann Leibel
Stephen Price
Stewart and Jacqueline Irvine
Stuart Mitchell and Fran Rasminsky
Suhana Meharchand
The Anne Butler Slaght Foundation
The McLean Foundation
Tim Hortons
Title Textile Company
$1,800 – $3,599
4 Office Automation Ltd.
Alan Keith
Alex Mayer
Alexander E. Grossman Foundation
Allen and Sharon Karp
Andrew and Fay Weisberg
Andrew Rotenberg z″l
Bernard and Frances Goldman
Bernard z″l and Nancy Kraft
Best Buy Canada
Bill Woodley
Billy Bee Honey Products Limited
BMO Life Assurance Company
Brenda Proulx
Brian Korson
Bridlepath Properties Management Inc.
Brown & Cohen Communications & Public Affairs
Brown Group of Companies
Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Chase Feldstein Tzedakah Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
Circle of Care, Sinai Health System
Corbin Visual
Cotton Candy Inc.
Cummings, Cooper, Schusheim & Berliner LLP
D+H Limited Partnership
Daniel Wilson and Amy Ticoll
David Lawee
David McCulloch
David and Mary Saunders
David Smyth
David Walsh
Dr Hadley Koltun
Dufferin Business Centre Inc.
Elaine Lester
Engelite Charitable Foundation
Firefly Advisory Services Inc.
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
Frum Foundation
Gerald Epstein
Gerold and Roslyn Goldlist
Gerry z″l and May Cohen
Gertex Hosiery Inc.
Gilad Epstein
Global Upholstery Co. Inc.
Greenhouse Graphics
Greg and Linda Wolfond
Harvey and Carol Hacker
Harweg Foundation
Hatch Ltd.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Hugh and Katherine Saunders
Humber College
Hy and Joan Eiley
Hydro One Inc.
Igor and Bonnie Korenzvit
Irving Borchiver z″l
Irving Matlow
Jackman Foundation
Janice and Sheldon Baryshnik
Jim Mackay
Joel and Adrienne Slan
Jon Ennis and Janice Karlinsky
Junior League of Toronto
Kathleen Barret
Kenneth D. Campbell Consulting
Larry W. Rich
Leo & Sala Goldhar Foundation
Leon and Jocelyn Kadish
Lianne Vineberg
Lisa Woznica
Mackenzie Investments
Mana Nikaeen
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd.
Marc and Joy Koplowitz
Marilyn Herbert
Mark Smith and Anne Larson
Martin and Barbara Slater
Martin and Judith Friedland
Marvin Sadowski
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Media Profile
Megan Thomas
Melanie Braga
Mick Mitrovic
MLSE Foundation
Mona Levenstein
Murray and Ellen Blankstein
Nahla Hanna
Naomi Judith Rose z″l
Nava Jakubovicz
Olga Fershaloff
Patrick Perdue
Paula Keyfitz
Penguin Random House
Piggyback Design + Communication
Plus Travel Group
Raisyl Mandel
Richard Davis
Richard Krelstein z″l
Robert Gauthier
Robert and Dorothy Till
Robert z″l and Sharon Myatt
Robert z″l and Sheila Masters
Robert Hall, Q.C.
Ron z″l and Anne Golden
Ron Kaplansky z″l
Rose Baum
Russell and Jane Rendely
Sam Lightstone
Senator Jerry Grafstein
Sensible Heating & Air Conditioning
Shibley Righton LLP
Shoppers Drug Mart
Sonic Print
Sporting Life
St. George’s Anglican Church
St. Matthew The Apostle Anglican Church, Oriole
Stanley Kugelmass and Marjorie Hecht-Kugelmass
Stephen and Heshy Altbaum
Steps Foundation Inc.
Steven and Rodeen Stein
Temple Emanu-El
The Goodman Family Foundation
The Leonard & Felicie Blatt Foundation
The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation
Thomas Schwartz
Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club
UCAN Fastening Products
Union Lighting & Furnishings
Victoria Granger
Wayne Tanenbaum Charitable Foundation
Yale and Partners LLP
Yonit Fuhrmann
Zita Gardner z″l
These lists reflects funds and donations received between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. We have made every effort to ensure that information is accurate. Please report any errors or omissions to donations@jvstoronto.org.