What is JVS Toronto?
JVS Toronto is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization that partners with the government and business sectors to help people succeed at work and life.
JVS Toronto is the business name we operate by. Our registered name is “Jewish Vocational Service of Metropolitan Toronto”. We have chosen to brand ourselves as JVS Toronto to eliminate the potential misperception that we only serve the Jewish community.
Our services are currently accessible to the community at large. Every year, we have help over10,000 people fulfill their employment potential.
What does JVS Toronto do?
We are a community-based agency that helps individuals to identify their employment and career goals, and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve those goals.
We offer a full range of employment services in locations throughout the GTA. We are a proud member agency of IAJVS, United Way of Greater Toronto & York Region and UJA Federation of Toronto.
Do you have to be Jewish to receive services from JVS Toronto?
Absolutely not! JVS Toronto was founded in 1947 by the Jewish community in response to the employment needs of survivors of the Second World War. While continuing to serve the Jewish community, JVS Toronto has evolved into a broad-based community organization that helps people from all walks of life to overcome employment and educational barriers.
We work with new Canadians, youth, single parents, women in transition and people with physical, mental health and developmental disabilities of all races, faiths and nationalities.
How are JVS Toronto’s programs and services funded?
JVS Toronto is generously funded by three levels of government as well as United Way of Greater Toronto, UJA Federation of Toronto, foundations, corporate sponsorships, individual donations and fees-for-service. Learn more about our donors and funders.
Does it cost money to use JVS Toronto?
Thanks to the generous support of our funders, most programs are available to clients at no direct cost. We are committed to a philosophy of being accessible to all.
I’m looking for a job. How can you help me?
JVS Toronto offers a wide array of career and employment services which aim to find individuals meaningful employment.
Programs are designed to cater to the specific needs of our clients, who include newcomers; women; youth; persons on government-funded assistance programs; persons with disabilities; and members of the community at large. From career and job search assistance to resume workshops and skills assessments, JVS Toronto programming provides the guidance and skills needed to improve your job search.
Learn about our free employment services.
I’m an employer looking to hire. How can you help me?
If you are an employer looking to hire, JVS Toronto can be your search specialist. Put our 70+ years of experience to work for you in matching the right candidate to the right job.
Using our database, along with sharing your recruitment needs with agencies across the GTA, we provide you with a large pool of qualified candidates from whom to choose. Our workforce specialists pre-screen candidates to carefully match their experience, skills, and personal ambitions to your business requirements. Learn more about our free recruitment services.
How can I volunteer at JVS Toronto?
Volunteer services provide opportunities for individuals to enrich the lives of JVS Toronto clients and make invaluable contributions to agency programs while learning new skills, making new connections and experiencing personal fulfillment. Learn more about our volunteer opportunities.
Can you help me if I have a developmental disability?
JVS Toronto offers an assortment of useful programs geared toward adults with developmental disabilities to develop the skills and training necessary to find gainful employment.
Learn more about our Disability Services.
I’m a new immigrant. Do you have any programs that can help me?
New immigrants can turn to JVS Toronto for help gaining employment in the Canadian workplace, as we offer excellent programs catering to the needs of this group.
Some programs include:
- Canadian Workplace Communication: offers opportunities for internationally trained individuals with educational backgrounds in banking/finance, engineering or IT to improve their English language and workplace communication skills, thereby helping them to participate and reach their full potential in the Canadian workplace.
- Mentoring Services: match internationally trained professionals and trades people who are new to Canada with professionals in their field of expertise, who provide valuable information, advice and support for new Canadians.
- Newcomer Employment Services: provide internationally trained professionals with the necessary tools to integrate into the Canadian job market and reach realistic employment goals leading to self-sufficiency.
Learn more about our Newcomer employment services.
Do you have any programs that are specific to Jewish clients?
JVS Toronto offers several key programs to serve the needs of Toronto’s Jewish community.
- EMETemployment is a confidential service that helps unemployed and underemployed Jewish individuals attain employment. Learn more about EMETemployment.
Are any of your programs geared to people on O.D.S.P. or Ontario Works?
Persons on O.D.S.P. or Ontario Works can turn to JVS Toronto for support in career counselling, skill-building and job search.
Some helpful programs specifically for this group include:
- Ontario Works Employment Placement (OWEP): supports social assistance recipients to find long-term sustainable employment.
- Re-Employment Program (REP): identifies and supports the needs of unemployed Reachback clients including those on social assistance as they re-enter the workforce.
Do you have any programs aimed at youth?
Several JVS Toronto programs are geared toward serving Toronto’s youth, assisting them to acquire and hone useful skills that will assist them in finding gainful employment.
Learn more about our Youth employment services.
What is JVS Toronto’s Business Number (BN) assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency?
JVS Toronto’s Business Number (BN) is 107535015 RR 0001.